World Leader in Orgone Energy Technology
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the Orgone Generator® and Orgonite®

HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International, Atlanta, USA
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary

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The RAOPTC Aqua Optimizer
Power Transfer Couple

The RAOPTC is specially designed for you to be capable of easily making living water, to enliven food and to supercharge supplements, even if you are thousands of miles away from your generator of life energy! 

The transfer disk that you carry with you is large enough (ca. 3.25" or 8 cm diameter) to put food or drinks onto it. 

Accessories to the Orgone Generators®


A larger transfer plate means more energy for faster charging! 

Naturally, this same large transfer disk provides you personally with powerful life energy from your AO-capable Orgone Generator® anywhere you are, whether just down the road from your generator or half around the globe. 

In fact, the RAOPTC is your virtual pocket-optimizer for food and drinks, and it provides you as well with powerful orgone energy whenever you carry it with you while your Chi Generator® Device with the RAOPTC transfer unit is in your home.

Water Optimizer AO 1100

Orgone Generator® LPOG HD 2400

Water Optimizer AO 2000
Orgone Generators® JU 99 Series
Orgone Generator® JU 1000
Orgone Shooter CEG 1000
Orgone Generators® LPOG DL 2400
Orgone Generators® PFC 2000
Applications of orgone energy
orgone generators® optimize water

better food, herbs and supplements

orgone generators® for plants
counteract EMF pollution, DOR
orgone generators® for weight loss
fitness training and body building
intellect, creativity, mental skills
gaming, gambling, stocks, trading
orgone to boost potency and sex
orgone generators®, love and sex
orgone, leadership and politics
orgone generators® and marketing

Copyright© 1996, 2007, 2010 by Karl Hans Welz.
this equipment is not designed for healing of any kind